Bigarren hezkuntzako ikasleentzako matematika proiektua, webquest baten antzekoa. Ikasleek matematikariei buruzko txosten bat prestatu behar dute, horretarako baliabideak ematen dizkigu.
Overview: You are going to research 10 mathematicians from around the world, and present your findings in a format of your choosing, with a bibliography.Specific instructions: Part I: The Research.
Part II: The Project Presentation
What you must turn in:
1. Your map presentation (paper or computer or other media)
2. Your summary paragraph about what mathematicians do.
3. Your index cards with your research information
4. Your bibliography
Extra Credit
For up to 10 points extra credit, create a neat, attractive timeline showing the birth and death dates (if applicable) of your mathematicians.
 | Using the resources listed above, identify ten mathematicians, with at least one from each continent (except Antarctica). At least five of the ten must be women. Central/South American mathematicians are hard to find; look for Cora Ratto de Sadosky, a women mathematician from Argentina or Argelia Velez-Rodriguez, who was born and educated in Cuba. |
 | Use 3x5" or 4x6" index cards to take notes on your research. Be sure that your mathematician's name and country, your bibliography information and your name are on each card. |
 | Make a map of the world, or maps of each continent, and label the country where each of your mathematicians was born or did his/her mathematical work. Be sure your labels include the mathematician's name and country. Write one or two sentences describing each mathematician's contributions to the field of mathematics. Include a picture of the mathematician if possible. You may use a pre-printed world map, computer clip art, or draw or trace your own map. The project may be a paper project, such as a typed report or poster, or a computer presentation, such as a web site or PowerPoint presentation. Be creative! Be neat! (80 points) |
 | Write a good paragraph or two that summarizes what mathematicians do. Pull together what you have learned about your ten mathematicians and draw some conclusions about what it means to be a mathematician. You might include information about where modern mathematicians work, what kind of education they need, and how much they earn. Hint: you might want to use the GCIS program for some of this information. (10 points) |
 | Include a bibliography / list of references. This can be on paper or as part of a computer presentation. References should be listed in alphabetical order, according to the approved format. (10 points) |
 | Due date to be announced. |
Information about Mathematicians - 70 points (7 points for each mathematician - did you include all the required information? Is your map presentation accurate?)
Overall appearance of your map project - 10 points (neatness, creativity, layout, etc.)
Summary paragraph - 10 points (Is it well written? Do you draw a good conclusion based on your information?)
Bibliography - 10 points (Is is in correct format? Are all of your references cited accurately?)
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